I am sure you're thinking about this year. As exciting as it is, it's stressful. You may not be poised nor have a plan to change a darn thing about what you are doing and creating.
Most people don't. I'm not talking about a fading resolution, another promise broken to yourself to change this and change that. I am talking about that gut-centered, deep-seated conviction that your time is waning and your life’s contribution too insignificant. Your family needs a jolt into holiness! Your marriage needs sparked into union! Your body needs converted into a real asset! Your mind needs zapped into fearless focus! Your soul needs to pine and strive for Truth! But, what have you done to affect change? Did you write a cute little list on Dec. 31st? Did you google some options on your phone late into the night and fall asleep undecided? Did you think that just because it’s New Year hit that it miraculously births a New YOU? You’re going to have to lay some more skin down in this effort. If you changing comes at a cost, you staying the same COMES AT AN EVEN GREAT COST. Will you remain the same or Thrive in 2025? Only you can pull those levers and create a version of you, your fitness, your finances, and your family that is truly UNFORGETTABLE. Can’t sit back… See you in your most dignified, effective self created daily with my help! To prosper anew, Coach Rebecca Dussault Attn: get with me for a lengthly personalized discussion about how you can transform just like hundreds of others before you. You’re deserving! LINK: BOOK MY COACHING CHAT TODAY!
Catholic Moms: Smash Your 2025 Goals with Faith, Focus, and Fire
As a Catholic mom, you’ve been called to a life of service, sacrifice, and strength—but that doesn’t mean your personal goals take a backseat. For 2025, let’s take a fresh look at goal-setting through the lens of faith, family, and fitness. You’ve probably heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals: • S. Specific • M. Measurable • A. Achievable • R. Relevant • T. Time-bound But this year, let’s rip out the T and focus on smashing our goals as soon as possible, guided by urgency, purpose, and grace. Why Drop the “T”? St. Francis de Sales once said, “Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them—every day begin the task anew.” This wisdom reminds us that God calls us to action now, not later. Setting long deadlines can tempt us to delay the work of transformation. Instead of aiming for “by December 31, 2025,” shift your mindset to “achieve this now.” As Catholic moms, our lives are already busy—homeschooling, making meals, guiding our kids, serving our husbands. Why wait to start becoming who God calls us to be? Faith-Focused Goal Setting Before diving into fitness or weight loss, start with prayer. Ask God: • What do You want me to focus on this year? • How can I serve my family better through my health and fitness? When your goals are rooted in prayer and service, they take on eternal significance. Scenario A: S.M.A.R.T. Approach The goal: Lose 20 pounds by December 31, 2025. With a long deadline, it’s easy to let time slip away. If you don’t see progress in January or February, you might think, “No big deal. I still have months.” At best, you’ll inch toward the finish line over the year. At worst, you won’t get there at all. Scenario B: S.M.A.R. Approach The goal: Lose 20 pounds as soon as possible. Without a deadline, you inject urgency. You ask: • What can I do today to start making progress? • How can I offer this hard work as a prayer for my family or intentions? Instead of waiting for Monday to begin, you: • Plan meals with your family’s needs in mind. • Try a nutrition / detox body reset. • Schedule a daily walk or strength training. • Keep moving by chasing little ones or playing with them outside. From this mindset, you see immediate results—not in a year, but in weeks. And as you hit that first goal, you’re ready to tackle the next one. Living Your Goals in Real Time As Catholic moms, we don’t just work on ourselves for vanity or self-focus. We honor God by caring for the bodies He gave us and by having the energy to serve our husbands and children better. • Want to lose weight? Think of it as a way to have more energy for your family. • Want to strength train? Offer your efforts for your husband’s intentions. • Want to run a 5K? Dedicate your training time as a prayer for someone in need. 2025 Goals: Start Today This year, don’t aim for slow, steady progress. Aim for fast, faithful change. As Catholic moms, we don’t have to wait for the perfect moment—we just need faith and fire. Ask yourself: • If I had to achieve this goal today, what would I do? • How can I offer my efforts as a sacrifice for my family or others? • What’s the fastest, most faithful way to make progress now? Let’s make 2025 a year of real-time transformation—spiritually, physically, and in service to our families. You don’t need more time. You need more urgency, more prayer, and more trust in God’s plan. See you in the New Year, ready to smash your goals in faith and hard work. Book a chat with me to talk at length for free about your goals, hopes, and dreams for the new you. You deserve it! Booking link: www.fitcatholicmom.com/talk Cheers to change, Coach Rebecca There’s more to thriving!
Faith - Fitness - Food
Don't just take my word for it...
Working with Fit Catholic Mom was life changing for me.. I have encountered so many transformations in my strength and endurance, my prayer life, my marriage, and my parenting. I will take the lessons learned here and continue to transform and move toward achieving a body that glories Christ. This course fosters the growth of a more virtuous wife, mother, and Catholic woman. - Judy in VA
Registrations open Monday,
April 24th! Limited spots available. So you still haven’t kicked her habits to the curb, your lower self, the one that retells her story everyday. Same dang thing. Yeah, she’d like to stay. She’s cozy. She comes around to amuse you with her justification of anger, impatience, anxiety, over-consumption, ignorance, and control or worse. She is satiated on the unfulfilling parts of life no doubt and this summer hasn’t changed a thing YET. For goodness sake. Why not? “Here’s what I think integrity is: it’s choosing courage over comfort, choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast or easy, and practicing your values.” B. Brown puts it well. So, is it too late? Are you beyond help and outside hope just because June and July weren’t very transformational for you? NO. It may have taken this long to get motivated, but it didn’t take TOO long. Timing is everything, especially His timing for you. Is His still small voice activated in the ear of your heart? Be honest! Is the Lord nudging (or shoving) you forward to do something about yourself for your sanctification using sport, nutrition and prayer to heal for real? Then let’s get you rolling in fun, sustainable and Catholic ways…or just stay in your pain. The free will to choose is what you have. Take time to discover your better self realized through help and hope. You could use some! I see you, Coach Rebecca Book a FREE personal chat with me. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! Psalm 34:3 Thank you Rebecca for your incredible witness to living a life well! Your inner wisdom, positive spirit, words of encouragement, motivating movements and holy example have all inspired me to live life more fully in Christ! Thank you for teaching me how to nourish myself so that I can pour myself more fully out to others. You have given me a renewed sense of hope and a strong desire to persevere and run the race no matter what obstacles come my way! I am forever grateful for you and your Intensity Course program. Molly R. in NJ There’s so much to celebrate in July. I am looking forward to it because our weather has finally warmed and there’s adventure to be had. We plan to kayak camp, hike with our pack goat, host families, harvest from our garden, take a trip out of state and make a walking pilgrimage to Mass. Each month offers us the opportunity to schedule in the best version of ourselves, our marriages, family lives, and community. No one is asking you to overdo it, but I am asking if you are under-doing it? Are you sitting back on your hands, heavy of heart, and feeling unsupported and non-energetic? I want to help you change this so you can harvest the joys and experiences of a life that is LIVED! Join me in July to prepare yourself through a very appropriate program designed to:
Let's get on a call together to better help you understand and approach the process. This is tailored made for you! Reach out, and get off the struggle bus today: www.fitcatholicmom.com/talk "My life has typically been compartmentalized and structured. With blocks of time allotted for specific tasks, for example working out, spending time with my kids, household tasks, etc. I felt exhausted and didn’t know how to find enough time slots for all of my tasks. Through this course I have learned that layering tasks is freeing to my time, energy and spirit. I’ve learned how to create an intention for my workouts. Layer my movement with household tasks, time with my kids, or time in prayer. This course has helped me slow down and discover how to be strong, present, and joyful in my vocations." - Halley Best sports hydration! I wish I had a bottomless barrel of this and so do my kids! Naturally power up your performance with an organic pre-workout beetroot juice. Low in sugar, the formula delivers oxygen and nutrients to fuel workouts and keep endurance strong. Sustaining vascular integrity and health, CAN’T BEET THIS is filled with natural herbs and plants to support energy levels. Great tasting Passionfruit and Guava flavor. News to me: July 22: St. Mary Magdalene The liturgical celebration honoring St. Mary Magdalene was raised from a memorial to a feast (2015), putting her on par with the Apostles. She has the honor of being the first to see the empty tomb and the first to hear the truth of His resurrection. Christ has a special consideration and mercy for this woman, who shows her love for Him, looking for Him in the garden with anguish. Because she was an eyewitness to the Risen Christ, she was also the first to testify before the apostles. She fulfills the mandate the Risen Christ gives her: ‘go to my brothers and say to them … Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”. In this way she becomes an evangelist who announces the good news of the resurrection of the Lord; as she announces to the apostles what they in turn will announce to all the world. She is the witness to the Risen Christ and announces the message of the resurrection of the Lord, like the other apostles. Therefore it is right that the liturgical celebration of this woman should have the same level given to the apostles in the General Roman Calendar. All my best in Christ - the Way, the Truth and the Life, Coach Rebecca Dussault @fitcatholicmom There has to be an answer to the dilemma you find yourself in.
You can’t be the only one who is struggling to live in a healthy and happy body housing a holy soul. You’re not alone. Not at all. It is a real struggle that far too many Catholic mommas are facing…alone. The days when free time and fitness seemed to come more naturally have evaporated. The years when your body just “bounced back” are a long forgotten part of the past. The decades of deliberately curating a fun and adventurous family culture have grown over with fetid smell of the never-ending mundane to-do’s. You swallow your ideals and grip the wheel of your vocation with ever whiter knuckles. It’s not okay. You are not divinely engineered to be just “okay” at being YOU. You must hate mediocrity, lukewarmness or lackluster approaches. Often the above leads to evil seeping into the cracks you’re not patching with your lifestyle. You’re opening up, bleeding out, and dying too soon. It’s not good enough, not for a woman called to raise saints! She needs the measure of her days to be self-emptying to be sure, but also “full-filling.” She is perfectly design is to be poured out for others, but not if she ceases to be dripped into by things that give her life also. God’s perfect economy has life being dripped into her and it’s then that her flood of service and meaning breaks forth. I don’t know how God thought that up, but I have thoroughly tested and applied it. I have seen hundreds of women do it too. Are you ready to get your life into a HOLY TENSION which finally regulates your swings of deprivation and excess? Are you dying inside to live boldly and brightly, finding yourself in His glory and grace? Why would you wait any longer to access the new you? I have the blue print and am opening it up for you like never before. NEVER BEFORE! Get ready to strengthen, build stamina, blossom in effectiveness, increase the economy of your home and work life and get with the PROGRAM! You will get 8 weeks of access to: - Catholic fitness appropriate for any home (modest, fun, easy-challenging) through full-length workouts with me and some written out cardio to do from home. - Mindset trainings so you’re laying a firm foundation on which to build. - Daily accountability in your Pro Account and two personal coaching phone conversations. - Recipes, tips and tricks to make your healthier home NOW. - Weekly 40 min. group coaching chat year round - Faithful resources to help layer health, happiness and holiness so it all makes sense! I will continue to drip on you long after the Intensity Course is over. I want you near the fire! Really looking forward to you booking a call with me so you can say YES to yourself, your family, and your future! In Christ for whom we live, and move, and have our being, Coach Rebecca Dussault 2006 Olympian 2010 World Champion Trainer/Coach since ’07 Motivational Speaker Mom of 6 “My life has typically been compartmentalized and structured. With blocks of time allotted for specific tasks, for example working out, spending time with my kids, household tasks, etc. I felt exhausted and didn’t know how to find enough time slots for all of my tasks. Through this Course I have learned that layering tasks is freeing to my time, energy and spirit. I’ve learned how to create an intention for my workouts, layer my movement with household tasks, time with my kids, or time in prayer. This Course has helped me slow down and discover how to be strong, present, and joyful in my vocation.” - Halley S. My happy, healthy, present mother who is herself a rock, at age 61, still going strong to take care of her inner and outer woman. -Ouray, CO via ferata route on rock in a long narrow canyon '21 You’re waiting.
You’re waiting until Lent. You’re waiting until summer. You’re waiting until they’re grown. You’re waiting… They’re missing out. They are at the point where each could fill in the black with a number of negatives relating, “My mom is always ___________.” You know what they’d say. You would be disappointed, but not surprised. They are your witnesses. You know yourself. You know yourself at least well enough to discern what you’re not doing well, and if any of it falls into the categories of your body, your soul or your life well-lived, then you can go curl up in that shell of yourself that you’re becoming or… Mount up! Learn to walk again, and then to run! Take up your mat! Your sins are forgiven! He (or she: YOU) went walking, and leaping and praising God! (Acts 3:8) If you gave any power to the scripture above it would move you straight out of your own excuses, dare I say, your paralysis. Your life would become a pipeline of possibilities. I get to see this small miracle every day, women once paralyzed by their thoughts, their crippling actions to the chains of habits now becoming free. There are methods to get you onto the physical freedom you desperately need, and living the spiritual capacity you’re made for. Why would you ever prolong the paralysis when it’s optional? Let’s move you to the next levels. Meet me in your own free hour chat on where you’re at! It’s no loss to you to gain the best, healthy and actually Catholic perspective on moving ahead in grace and grit. In firmness and in truth, Coach Rebecca Dussault 2006 Winter Olympian 2010 World Champion 15 x National Champion Coach, Mentor, Mother of 6 @fitcatholicmom (IG or FB) 🍂Nourishing November invite!
I need healing. We all do. We all have those things which could be better about our bodies or emotions. I might be the picture of health to some, but I have my own struggles which I want to heal to live more optimized. After 7 pregnancies and 14 full years of nursing, my body has been significantly gifted on behalf of others for 20 years. I love that God has used me to bring life into the world, but I am still doing that daily in different forms. After decades as an elite athlete I have worn myself thin reaching peak performance, through constant travel and all the sacrifices that career entails. I still need to be world class, but now it’s for the function of helping other people function highly. Despite a beautiful life growing and raising a significant portion of our own food, I still need a boost to get my body to where it needs to go through necessary times of reset. I am craving a detox for significant improvement in digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination of my foods. I choose to heal using a protocol of non-GMO, beyond organic, regeneratively grown superfoods. Purity and potency I can trust! I will be conducting this 30 day health reset called Nourishing November which spans from Monday, Nov. 8th - Dec. 8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception! Join me on this powerful health journey! Nourishing November will include: 60 superfood meals / supplements with 3 easy schedules to pick how you’ll nourish/detox Praying a daily Rosary for whole body healing and inner peace. Full length strength and cardio routines for you to do at home. Weekly zoom’s to meeting discuss progress and celebrate YOU. Let’s deeply connect on this journey to ratify our health and holiness in community with accountability and a really full and healthy Catholic approach. You’ll not be alone one this journey. Myself, and many other women, will hold you as we go through this prayerfully and purposely united! Nourishing November Health Reset can be yours for an all inclusive $329.25 + tax for the entire 4 weeks of formation. Order your products today and get them coming to you. We’ll run Nov. 8th - Dec. 8th! Simply click this order link to order your complete pack of products today! Once your trigger your order, text me your name and email so I can add you to the list for this reset’s communications. Also, note for me if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 970-209-4823 Thanks! See you in the Nourishing November reset soon, and may The Immaculate Conception be your advocate as you become healthy holy! In Christ, Coach Rebecca Dussault *This outstanding protocol is being provided as a convenience for this purpose; it does not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Fit Catholic Mom for any further services or opinions of the corporation, organization or individuals affiliated. You’ll know the power you have as a person when you DECIDE the timing is right to begin the fight.
You’ll not have to second guess if you’ve tasted enough samples, tried enough classes, bought enough equipment, and read enough ingredient lists. You’ll simply be ready to begin because you DECIDED that it was time. Converting your fear of self, others, and the process begins when we look upon the cross of Christ and know that he makes all things new, even YOU. You must take a long stare in belief that you can change, and DECIDE you must. Yep, it may take forms you never thought it would! It might be you at home with someone leading you through full length workouts on your own rug, surrounded by your loved ones. It might be incredible capsules of organic herbs and densely nutritious and detoxifying green drinks. It might be you returning to the Rosary and walking and running to the pacing of prayer. It might be early nights to be without a phone and earlier mornings in your icon corner. You don’t know what He will use until you DECIDE that it is right to DECIDE. Do you know why you want to be faithful and fit? Are you sick of dwelling on and in your personal hell? Then DECIDE your way out of this darkness. I dare you! Let’s hold hands and run this race. I’d love to coach you through a very tried and tested process to get you crushing your vocation using Faith, Fitness and Food daily to stimulate and perpetuate the best YOU…the you that finally DECIDED. Book with me for your free consultation call. This hour of power changes those who take me up on it. We’ll get you clear on where you personally are, and what DECISIONS need made. Blessigns and grace, Coach Rebecca |
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